Our Classes

Class Descriptions

All Levels Offerings:

Downside Up

Downside up is the inversion of your upside up acro practice - and speaking of inversions, we'll be doing lots of those in this series. With a focus on inversions, each week we’ll build on fundamentals and train transitions through a variety of poses, developing a strong acro (and spotting!) skill set to help you cultivate a solid acro yoga practice. Come hone your skills with us! All levels welcome. 

Train Smarter Not Harder

Want to improve your practice but unsure how? It’s not always about learning a bigger trick. Often the best path is to refine your practice by training the skills you already know with more precision. Learn smart training techniques to improve your sensitivity, strength, and stamina. Wherever your practice is now, these tools will make the next level more accessible. All levels welcome, no experience necessary. 

Wash the Flow Transition Machine

Want to start linking your favorite poses? Whether you spin round and round, or simply move with control from one pose to the next, acro gets more exciting as you introduce transitions. We start with good form in basic poses so that each movement is intentional and fluid. Rather than falling from pose to pose,  you get there with control and intention. And if you find your way through one flow/ transition/ machine, why not try it in reverse?!

Intermediate Offerings:

Playing on the Edge

In this intermediate series we’ll explore some of our favorite more challenging flows and transitions. Explore the edge of your practice with strengthy, balancey, upside down and backwards fun! As always, we will approach things progressively and train dynamic spotting skills for optimal safety and success. 

Funky Transitions & Twisted Flows

An intermediate series where we’ll explore new and unusual flows and transitions. Prepare yourself for goofy, asymmetrical, upside down and backwards fun! While this is our most challenging series, we will  still approach things progressively, building on strong foundations and, as always, train dynamic spotting skills.


Lunabatics brings the wisdom of the therapeutic side of the practice to bear on your dynamic acro yoga practice. In this workshop you can expect to refine your existing acro practice by exploring the basic principles of alignment, communication, and breath in every pose, transition, and skill. When we learn to train together in a more subtle, sensitive way, we create more sustainable practices. 

Lunar Offerings:

Lunar Acro

This all levels class will focus on restorative flying postures and is appropriate for all levels. As a beginner, starting with therapeutics is a way to solidify the foundations of the practice while moving slowly in an environment of safety and trust. For the advanced practitioner it is a way to master basing technique and strength, learn to surrender and receive your partner both as a base and flyer, and to practice direct, compassionate communication about your needs.

Thai Massage

In this 12 hour course, we will learn fundamental concepts of Thai massage that support longevity for the practitioner as well as an intentional healing journey for the recipient. You will learn and practice sequences for all of the four main positions - supine, prone, side lying, and seated - as well as when to choose each position based on the receiver’s needs. We will cover basic safety guidelines and contraindications and how to do a basic intake to instill confidence in your practice.